Saturday, 7 March 2015


I think I have mentioned before that I talk to the local animals - in their language. I baa back at the lambs. I guess it's no different from people talking to their pet dogs. Well, as we have no dogs, and the cats are batty, I talk to the farm animals.

So, I was taking my morning walk along the lane, 

when I came upon two wild goats. I startled them. They startled me! I carried on walking. They both jumped - one over the fence to my left, the other over the fence to my right. We were all heading in the same direction - the three of us, side by side, two wire fences separating us all. Me at a fast walk, them at a slow trot, clearly unnerved by my presence, and me by theirs!

The one on the left blurted out a loud 'meh meh meh' as it trotted along, the one on the right continued trotting and replied with a very similar 'meh meh meh', to which I answered both with what I considered a very similar 'meh meh meh'. At which point they both suddenly stopped dead in their tracks, turned their heads to look at me as if to say 'What the ...?' Then nonchalantly continued with their walk.

I wonder what was going through their heads. As far as I was concerned, I was just joining in the conversation!!

Dr Doolittle had best watch out!

Next blog - Breakfast