Monday 23 November 2015

THE DOG! - July - Nov 2015

So, with renovations on the holiday let more or less complete, we decided we needed a rest before continuing with our part of the building.

So we . . . I mean Will, has had time to spend with the dog, who has grown from a little stubborn dog ...

to a big stubborn dog!!!

Will's dog . . . NOT MINE!!

Next blog - Walks, weather and washouts

Thursday 5 November 2015

WE DID IT! - July 2015

So, the evening before our first guests arrived, we were in dire straits. Taking it in turn to finish off the bathroom. Me tiling, Will plumbing. And only enough room in the tiny space for one of us at a time!

As I showed in my previous entry ...

By 4.00am, we had done it!

The following morning, we still had a lot of 'stuff' to remove from the lounge before guests arrived. 

We all set about moving it as quick as we could. 

But in doing so, it put our own conservatory out of use. And has been out of use ever since!!

At the 11th hour a new bed was delivered, and erected!

And all the rubbish that had been hogging the driveway miraculously disappeared into any space available and out of sight!

We did it!!


Next blog - The dog!