Saturday, 7 September 2013

IS THE SUMMER OVER? - Aug/Sept 2013

Summer view of the cottage

There was a time many years ago as I waited for the school bus on those damp, misty September mornings with an Autumn chill in the air when it suddenly hit me in the pit of my stomach, that those hot, hazy Summer days were over. 

Then many years later, not quite so many years ago, as I drove to work on those damp, misty September mornings with an Autumn chill in the air, a huge blow in the pit of my stomach served to remind me that those hot, hazy Summer days were over. 

Despite never following football, I also remember a time when the start of the football season indicated that Summer had ended. That no longer seems to apply as football appears to only have a 2 week holiday :(

Now, here in Wales, overlooking the sea under blue skies, continuing to work outside in the garden, I feel a sense of Summer invincibility. It could go on forever - or at least a lot longer. But no - something hit me in the pit of my stomach . . 

. . . a pungent smell in the air. Goats! 

Face Off

Caught in the act - eating hawthorn

They must have cleared the mountains of vegetation and started to make their way back to the lowlands as is their lifestyle at the end of each Summer. As we had no Summer last year, they never went up the mountain. It's been great to have a goat-free garden for a few months. Now they're back with a vengeance, signifying the end of my hot, hazy Summer days and probably the end of life for many plants in my garden.


So how have we spent our last few days of Summer?

Well . . . let's start with the obvious ...

. . . sheep chasing!

We've been studying beach life during walks. 

We spent the best part of a day trying to keep up with a 3 year old as she climbed 'our' mountain. Picking bilberries proved a great distraction . . . for me.

Sadly for me, she has put an end to me thinking of myself as a hero, for being able to climb it!

'We' have been shifting and relocating fences and gateposts. It's hard to admit to our age-related lack of strength and fitness, but hey, why worry when there are resources we can use on site? 

Enter big strong son and Beastie with a tow rope. 

Gizmo clearly thinks his hot, hazy Summer days are not over!

Next blog - An Unexpected Guest.

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