At this very moment in time there is a VERY brave donkey - 'Chico', walking around the coast/border of Wales along with his even braver companion - Hannah. They set out from Aberystwyth about a month ago and headed northwards along the coast.
Follow their adventures on
This week they were due to be passing us as we are situated on the coastal path. So we offered them and Hannah's lovely mum who had joined them at this point, an overnight stay in our albeit chaotic surroundings. After a very long trek, they arrived just as it was getting dark and Chico was taken to our field to unload and rest.
Our field currently has no gate to it, so I was a little concerned as to how we would keep Chico contained. I needn't have worried as he came equipped with his own fencing from which Hannah constructed a small enclosure where he stayed happily overnight.
Chico proved to be a most placid, gentle little donkey. But it's easy for me to say that when he was happy being left to himself in a field of long fresh grass, and I was only with him for a matter of minutes. Hannah who is with him 24/7 for potentially many months to come may well tell you a different story.
Yoda cat who has a history of attacking visitors' dogs, however large, soon discovered Chico the next day and began stalking him with interest and a look that said "hmmm, another dog in MY territory? I need to get rid of this one too". Not wanting to upset a donkey with a long trek ahead, we made sure Yoda didn't get as close as he would have liked to.
Once Chico was loaded up ready for another day, they set on their way with our very best wishes for a happy trek around Wales.
Bye Chico!
Next blog - Probably the best DIY tool in the world ... ever!
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