Saturday 23 July 2016

DELIVERIES - March 2016

This one's for Rich & Sarah who are clearly suffering from a bad case of 'blog withdrawal!

You will know by now that we live on a very narrow lane and that it doesn't take much to block it

We have witnessed some unique ways to remove blockages, like this builder whose ladder was blocking our way through 

Often it's us blocking the way and we have become experts at reversing long distances along bendy narrow lanes. In this case we pulled into a small passing place to let this rather large road sweeper past - yes, a road sweepers along our clean rural lanes.

Regardless of the width of roads, drivers still need to get to destinations to get jobs done. This highway maintenance lorry somehow squeezed between our neighbours' buildings.

And just like any other place, we need deliveries. However, our 'narrow access' instructions rarely find their way to the drivers.

One Christmas we received a Tesco delivery from the bravest of drivers in the largest of lorries. A young female driver, who somehow managed to drive the lorry up our drive in the dark where she found herself in our turning circle with only 2 inches to spare in front and behind. Amazingly, with instructions from Will and a 52 point turn, she escaped!

Then very recently, a relatively small package arrived in a massive lorry ...

The driver had had an adventure trying to get to us, and after great perseverance refused to go back the way he had come, despite our warnings of the alternative being narrower & steeper with overhanging trees and a very tight corner. However, as there was nowhere to turn around, he felt it was the best option.

So off he went, only to get stuck at the tight corner. The solution? Will had to attach a tow rope to the back end of the lorry and pull it around until the front end was pointing in the right direction.

Somehow they managed it!!

But there was no room on the road for his passenger to get back in the lorry, so he had to follow with Will.

The driver just went for it. But ooops, the trees fought back and gouged a metre long piece from the top side of the lorry  ...

As the driver pointed out - their slogan describes the experience very well ...

Next blog - A further blockage

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