Thursday 22 September 2016


For some weeks . . months . . . or more probably more like a year or even years, the conservatory and dining table have disappeared under a load of wood and other 'useful stuff'.

Most of this is 'stuff' and building materials which will eventually find their way to the utility room, currently under construction

Bit by bit we are getting there

Looking at photos of how it was just a few years ago, confirms we are heading in the right direction, albeit slowly . . .

The door where there used to just be a hole into the room.

And a proper roof which replaced the old metal corrugated one . . . 

And the stage in between when there was no roof . . .

Now the utility room is well on its way to being finished, we have 
the conservatory back.
 I was beginning to doubt I'd ever see the table again.

Next job - sort out the views from the conservatory

Next blog - Clearing the views

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